Get the best regimen for all your personal and professional needs.

Our Services

Team Ice Breakers

Very few actually enjoy participating in ice breakers, it can be an uncomfortable activity to do. As awkward as they can be, it’s an effective approach in building a common ground amongst colleagues. But, only when done right.  
Our ice breakers are designed to be non-threatening so as to build confidence, relieve tension and feel comfortable among attendees. We work a long side our clients to design a team bonding activity that is fun, interesting and educational. There is always something new you can learn from your surrounding colleagues, whether it is personal or professional. 

Facilitative Workshops & Training

In our workshops, we introduce new ideas and new methods that can be utilised in everyday living.

If it’s a corporate clientele, we work towards driving forces forward by improving team functionality, employee engagement, and enhance management.

If it’s an organisational or familial clientele, we work towards development in utilising feedback, addressing and preventing skill gaps, and self investment.

Here at Compass, we recognise that upskilling is always better than reskilling.

Life Coaching

Our life coaching services align with our workshop and training modules, however, focus on a personal setting rather than a group setting.

We work with our clients to discuss topics including but not limited to; communication skills, emotional intelligence, leadership, conflict resolution, and time management.

A long side our clients, we work together in creating plans that moves the client towards achieving their goals.

Kinesiology & Energetic Medicine

Exploring above and beyond, we embrace holistic therapy that utilises knowledge learned from ancient eastern medicine and combine it with modern western understanding of neuroscience and anatomy and physiology. Simply put, it appears as chiropractic care mixed with Chinese acupuncture but less invasive.

Through the use of non-invasive muscle tests, we identify areas of the body that may be blocked or stressed, and discuss how emotions affect our thinking ability and our physical body.

Organisational Process Analysis & Research Design

Here at Compass we care about quality rather than quantity. We aim to provide resources that support our clients to improve their quality of service and programs to the highest degree.

This is typically done by reviewing the current organisational process, analyse the strengths, limitations and barriers, research effective contributing factors to improve service quality, evaluate the impacts of the new findings, and from these conclusions, develop an evidence-based progam that provides insight, recommendations and examples to improve the organisational design for our clients.

  • “The night before my session with Nicole I was a little anxious but excited at the same time as I've been on a healing journey from my childhood trauma of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and feelings of abandonment. I don’t trust people easily because my life has been full of hurt by those who are meant to protect me. In my adulthood I've struggled with social anxiety, depression, trust issues, negative self talk, comparing myself to others, I found it hard to accept compliments, and believed anything I heard that was said negatively about me. I needed help in my healing.

  • My first session with Nicole: When I walked up the driveway to Nicole’s house for my first Kinesiology session I felt anxious, my chest and stomach were tight as I didn’t know what to expect. When I got into her home she greeted me with a warm smile and a hug, there was safety in her hug. Nicole has a peaceful presence about her that made me feel safe. Her calming personality helped calm my anxiety. We talked for about 30mins and as we talked I felt my stomach aching and my chest tighten again as I shared “my stuff”, things that I only share with people I've built strong relationships with and over the years I've learnt to trust. I felt an honesty about her, that she was genuine and she truly cared and “my story” was safe with her.

  • As I continued to share with Nicole I felt compassion from her, no judgments, I felt validated and understood even when I shared the darkness I've experienced. When I was on the table and the kinesiology session started, with everything I’d shared prior, my emotions were high and I let out a cry, there was such a release in my tears. I felt embarrassed that I cried, even ashamed at myself but Nicole held space for me while I processed what I was feeling.

  • During the session I didn’t know what was happening or what she was feeling or what I was supposed to feel but I felt calm and I trusted the process.

    After my session I felt at peace with myself. Over the week I noticed I felt lighter, not weighed down, I thought I’d feel tired and drained from everything I’d shared but it was the complete opposite I felt more energised and more focused, I felt I could do hard things.

  • My sincerest gratitude to Nicole, for her patience, and her expertise. It is truly a pleasure to work with a woman who really cares. the atmosphere of kindness and calm helped me be calm. I appreciated how she held space for me while I processed all my 'stuff'. The thing I am most grateful for is that I could trust her."

    — COMPASS client utilising our Kinesiology & Energetic medicine services

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